If you have never checked it out, go on over to Stardock’s website and check out DesktopX, or just buy it here. Here’s a little blurb about it from their website:
“DesktopX is a revolutionary program that allows users to extend their Windows desktop to support true objects.
These objects can be combined together to form themes or used on their own. In short, a user can literally build their own desktop interface and they can do so without being a programmer.
In addition, a user can choose to just use individual DesktopX objects to enhance their existing desktop. DesktopX objects can be anything from a simple picture to an MP3 player, stock tickers, weather monitoring, instant messaging, or anything else that one could imagine having on their desktop.
Users can either create their own objects or download any of the thousands of themes and objects already available and use them.”
Yes, I am somewhat affiliated. I get a cut from your purchase of it. I have used DX since it’s early inception, and it has really come a long way.