Get off your fat ass and get a job

Have you ever noticed that this is the only country in the entire world where we have fat poor people? What the fuck is up with that. Now some fucking dumbass is proposing the idea that we should have a minimum yearly income level. If you don’t meet it, then the government cuts you a check (taken by gunpoint from my fucking earnings, naturally, like the rest of the overbearing federal income tax). Hell, all that will do is promote a bunch of lazy, lard-ass, welfare collecting fuckers to work even less than they do now, if that is possible. I will try to find an actual link to the info, and post it when I do.

1 throught on "Get off your fat ass and get a job"

  1. Part of the problem is the low income bottomfeeders don’t have the funds for fresh fruits, vegetables and grains. Look at them in the market, it’s carts of chips, oreos and sugar sugar sugar. Their ugly little spawn with Koolaid and Cheeto-stained faces. They’re lazy, you think exercise if part of their daily activity? Hell, they barely can move off the porch to pull the tab on their next beer, you think they’re going to break a sweat finding a job? Fucking Fuckers.

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