Whenever I am at home in the mornings AND Stephanie is able to wake me up I try to help get the kids ready. I have to walk the kids to the car and get them in. Every time I go out I always tell her and Chris to not lock the door. Of course being 17 he always has a smartassed remark as if I am stupid for telling him something like that.
He locked the door on me this morning. I’m standing outside with no fucking teeth in, shorts only, no shirt, no keys, no phone. Not a good scene. Luckily they were still in the street pulling out since they drop Anna off a few houses away to ride the bus. It would not have been good had I not caught them. I keep all of the windows locked when the air is on, but I am sure I could have found at least one unlocked, but just seeing my little fat half-naked ass climbing in through a window would definitely prompt someone to call the law I am sure.
At least there will be no more smart ass comments next time I tell him not to lock the door, otherwise I get to make retard sounds at him.
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