This is pretty cool. Not nearly as cool as my brother reading his book, but I am much lazier and prefer a computer to read the crap I have posted. I signed up for Odiogo’s free Podiocast service which turns all of my blogposts into mp3 podcasts. Here’s the post that I did earlier on ‘More about Couey‘.
Very weird. Now I am going to have to search through my site for the post with the most profanity just to listen to it and see if they bleep my ass. That might be difficult as there are so many to choose from. I curse even more than I post, although I have really been trying hard at work to keep my language clean, so that seems to have rolled over into my home life, at least until I get pissed off and then the stream of foul invectives issues out. Just can’t help it.
Here’s some links if you want to subscribe:
- iTunes users
Click here to subscribe to this feed - Juice users
Click here to subscribe to this feed - Other (copy and paste this link into your favorite podcast client)
And here is the main page to get to them.
Have I told you how much I like cool gizmos and gadgets? This is much better than my audio-cast, but I will probably keep that link up. I have only used it twice but if I am without computer or iPaq I can post that from my cell phone.