For some reason several people have had issues when pinging my site. This is an issues particularly since I participate in open trackbacks posts. Looking through a couple of forums I found a couple of settings to tweak that might solve the issue and I mainly wanted someplace to ‘write’ them down in case I need to tweak them later. The error that people have been getting is ‘failed: HTTP error: 403 Throttled’
I found this posting on a forum discussing MT
The configuration settings that control MT’s trackback ping throttling are in your mt-config.cgi / mt.cfg file. There are three settings that affect trackback ping throttling:
OneHourMaxPings – The maximum number of pings that a weblog can receive in one hour. If this setting is not present, MT uses a default of 10 for this setting.
OneDayMaxPings – The maximum number of pings that a weblog can receive in one “day” (with one “day” being determined by the ThrottleSeconds setting below). If this setting is not present, MT uses a default of 50 for this setting.
ThrottleSeconds – This setting is the minimum number of seconds between comments from a single IP address. MT also uses this setting when deciding whether to throttle trackback pings with the OneDayMaxPings setting, with one “day” being (4000 * ThrottleSeconds -1) seconds. If this setting is not present, MT uses a default of 20 for this setting. With the default of 20 seconds, one “day” for the OneDayMaxPings setting is a little over 22 hours (80,000 seconds).
I have added the first two settings into my config file, so hopefully that will take care of the situation.