Hardcore Cage Fighting

This looks to be pretty cool. The Mixed Martial Arts League Total Fighting Alliance is sponsoring the broadcast of TFA’s War on the Shore over the Internet for free. It’s this Saturday from 6pm to 9pm Pacific time and is being held at the Santa Monica Civic Center. You can Visit TFA’s Official Web site Here!

Anyone with a computer and an Internet connection (preferably broadband obviously) can watch, you just have to go Download the FREE video Player! You can also watch pre-match interviews right now until the broadcast.

NFT (Network Foundation Technologies) is partnering with the Mixed Martial Arts League to bring this to fight fans everywhere. They are starting to become a very big player in the realm of broadcasting large, live events to Internet audiences world-wide and this promises to be a pretty big show. I like watching martial arts matches much more than any sport and this should be a good one.

I stole the links from their site. Hopefully I won’t be stuck at work Saturday night, but chances are I am going to miss this one.