Going to California – Day Two

When we pulled out of Dallas the next morning we headed north into Oklahoma City and took I-40 west back into the panhandle and into New Mexico. We drove most of the day with just bathroom breaks and a couple of meals. We did get to Route 666 in western New Mexico that evening and had to stop and get our pictures taken under the highway sign. Since it was twilight and I had left my flash at home they are pretty shitty pictures. The only thing that shows up on one is the sign that says 666, and on the other my friend Chris’ body is there, but his head is a blur.

Driving through the Rockies was wild. We hadn’t had much sleep and quite a bit of the trip is a blur. We kept on driving through the night after that. At some point early the next morning we stopped at the Grand Canyon and slept for awhile in the car. We crossed the continental divide at some point either before or after our stop there. Except for a brief stay in Dallas we had driven two days straight. Once the sun came up we got out and looked around the Grand Canyon, took some pictures, and left.

After the Grand Canyon we drove straight to Las Vegas, or our only other overnight stay. We spent most of the afternoon and evening hanging out in Vegas. Since I wasn’t 21 we got thrown out of Caesar’s Palace 🙂 and ended up hanging out at the Holiday Inn which in Vegas is still a casino. If I remember correctly (it’s been 20+ years) it was some kind of circus theme, a little more family oriented than the rest.

Once again it is time to start getting ready for work. I think perhaps I will sit down this afternoon and try to remember the time-line better, because the entire trip at least out to Vegas is one big blur. It would help if I didn’t type these right after I wake up. Even if I don’t remember properly I will write more about the trip later. This is my Open Track-back post for the weekend of April 14th-16th.

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson’s Website, Is It Just Me?, The Virtuous Republic, Stuck On Stupid, The Amboy Times, Pursuing Holiness, , Rightlinx, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, stikNstein… has no mercy, , Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Dumb Ox Daily News, Right Voices, Blog @ MoreWhat.com, 123beta, Maggie’s Notebook, Adam’s Blog, basil’s blog, Phastidio.net, The Bullwinkle Blog, Cao’s Blog, , Jo’s Cafe, Conservative Cat, Allie Is Wired, Faultline USA, stikNstein… has no mercy, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, Gone Hollywood, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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25 throughts on "Going to California – Day Two"

  1. Another “Assassinate The Pres” Play

    The very definition of unhinged
    New York (CNSNews.com) – It may only be a 15-minute play that is part of a series of one-act performances, but one off-Broadway show is gaining a lot of attention in New York City's Theatre District: It depicts the a…

  2. Malkin Guest Hosted On O’Reilly: When All Else Fails, Call Her A Whore

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    Hoo-boy. That was a fun, wild r…

  3. And She’s the Speaker??? Pelosi and Gang

    This video demonstrates the reasoning behind Separation of Powers. Do you want Pelosi and Gang managing your war? (darn! I wish I had a really great emoticon here). Get ready to be amazed.

  4. Sanjaya Malakar – The Voting Mystery

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  5. imagine if you will —

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  6. ACLU defends the Nazis again

    At Stop the ACLU:
    ACLU defending the Nazis again
    Shortly after I graduated High School, in 1977, the ACLU defended the American Nazi Party here in Skokie when they wanted to march there. I felt that was a rude and audacious move, since so many holocau…

  7. Ohio Man Arrested in al Qaeda terror Plot

    Here’s the latest example of the disturbing trend of American converts to Islam turning to jihad. A federal grand jury indicted an Ohio man on charges of joining al-Qaida and conspiring to bomb European tourist resorts and U.S. government facilities

  8. Corzine’s Condition Critical: Questions Swirl

    State troops say they’ve located the red pickup truck that they believe precipitated the accident. They’ve questioned the driver and no charges will be forthcoming. The driver had no idea that the accident had occurred.

  9. look for the hype

    Look for the Bush administration to hype reports that civilian deaths are down in Baghdad as proof that the surge is working, do not look for them to mention that civilian deaths are up outside of Baghdad.

  10. They’ll Scream Like A Goth In The Sun

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  11. Micheal Moore’s “Sicko” Stunt

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  12. Truth and Hope Report Weekend Update: The Democrat

    Tonight on the Truth and Hope Report:
    We talk about the Democrat’s next war, ACLU double standards, the possibility of theocracy, the coming of legal incest, the importance of good parenting, and the need for a challenge from the church.

  13. A Rebuttal to Don Surber on Country & Western Lyrics

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  14. Live longer? So what?

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  15. buy a gun day

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  16. Conversion by the Sword

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  17. Democrats 0-6 On ‘Six for ‘06′ Campaign Promises

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