This is the Saturday edition of the open track-back post. Open track-backs are a great way for you to share and show up your work. Just send a ping back to this post and your trackback will show up in the bottom of this entry.

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Technorati: Open Track-back,OTA,Linkfest
Macs are sooooo easy! (Not)
Macs are “intuitive” and “easy to use” if you already think like an Apple programmer (and sometimes that’s not even sufficient *heh*). If not, they can be terribly frustrating machines, largely because with a Mac it’…
PhotoHunt 96: Heavy
The latest PhotoHunt category from is “Heavy” which can be interpreted as one sees fit. Already I’ve seen many people reference the song “He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother.” Okay, just for the fun of it, let’s do that as a pre…