
I mentioned last night that the wife and girls went and had supper at church with some of our friends. They had a pretty good time. I ended up falling asleep on the couch while they were gone and it was pretty late when I woke back up and started writing more.

The daughter of our friend rides horses. She’s been doing it for a few years now and I guess she really enjoys it. Luckily that’s one of the things my daughter hasn’t asked that she be allowed to do as it is pretty expensive and while I spoil my children that just isn’t something that I want to deal with. Horses, stabling, equestrian clothing, you name it, it’s a huge expense.

I am rather glad that my oldest daughter just likes sports, art and singing. While it can be pretty time-consuming it’s nothing we can’t handle.

2 throughts on "Hobbies"

  1. I can personally attest to the fact that owning a horse is like a cat pissing in the cash register – pretty soon it starts running into the money.

    A horse is a machine. Put feed and hay in one end, get Horse-Shit out the other. But the Mistress spent many years on horses, and I wouldn’t give those memories up. Hell, she even rode at the Astroarena in Houston a couple of times.

    But I coulda used that money to buy a nifty sports car or two…

  2. We thought about it for awhile and just decided that what she is into now is enough. She sings in the chorus, is in art club, and plays softball among other things. With both of us working full time that’s about all of the extra-curricular stuff we can handle.

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