I haven’t done much in the way of blogging in the last several days. Worked a ton of hours this past week but I have also been pretty sick. Some kind of bug has been going around, both girls were out sick at the end of the week and I guess I got the bug as well. Friday night I worked a double but I ended up sleeping in my car from 7pm on and the waitresses cooked. Had shit coming out both ends.
Since the girls had been sick Pete missed her field trip to the Georgia Aquarium on Thursday. She was not very happy. She’d been up most of the night previous blowing chunks so we wouldn’t allow her to go to school. To make up for it we took the girls to the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga on Saturday. I was feeling pretty weak when we got out of bed but it’s not often that I get a full weekend off so we decided to go anyway.
Chattanooga is a couple of hours from the house so it makes a nice day trip. I figured we could go check out the Aquarium and then maybe go see the Chattanooga Choo Choo and hopefully go to Chickamauga. I’ve been to the battlefield but it’s been about 30 years or so.
We met Eric and Fiona for a nice lunch at a place called Big River. It was a pretty decent place. The beer was good too. They brew their own. The food was good but I couldn’t eat very much. For that matter I haven’t managed to eat much since Thursday. After lunch the girls and I parted ways with Eric and his bride and we went ahead to the Aquarium. Pretty cool. I’ve posted some of the pictures over at Flickr. The links are below in my Action Stream if you want to check them out. This one’s not the best shot but it is one of my favorites.

We didn’t finish the Aquarium until around 5pm and by that time I felt pretty crappy so rather than do anything else we just came on home. I got myself a nice long draught of nyquil and slept most of the night, only getting up once around 3am. I still have to be back at work tomorrow and am not looking forward to it very much.
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