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They (whoever they is/are) say that there is an app for everything. Up until today I wasn’t quite so sure of that but now that I’ve come across this nifty new Android application I know I’ve seen it all. One might think they designed this little baby specifically for Velociman. What’s the app, you ask?…Read more Embedded Link Pooplog | Skullfuckin’ Pooplog | Don’t Like It…Go Fuck Yourself Then They (whoever they is/are) say that there is an app for everything. Up until today I wasn’t quite so sure of that but now that I’ve come across this nifty new Android application I know I’ve seen it a… Google+: View…Read more

Fresh From Twitter today

Are you ready to rock? My #SongPop username is rmiles7721!

Fresh From Twitter today

Facebook Predators Targeting Six-Year-Old Murderer Wanted On New Charges

Fresh From Twitter today

@CodenameAndroid Anything special in your version of GApps or are the ones at ok to use?

Fresh From Twitter today

With my daughter to see The Wiggles (@ The Fox Theatre w/ 3 others) [pic]:

Fresh From Twitter today

Massachusetts Man Kills Children Then Self

Fresh From Twitter today

Arizona Man Guilty of Kidnapping And Molesting A Teen Gets Minimal Punishment

Fresh From Twitter today

Was going to try and get a couple of posts up tonight but damn I’m worn out from work. Just not going to happen.