Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Dinner at the Grand Floridian…

Last week I posted about Hollywood Studios and Epcot. The same day we went to Epcot we had reservations at 1900 Park Place (I think that’s the name of the restaurant) at thr Grand Floridian Resort. Since it was a character meal we didn’t want to miss it. For some reason I thought it was an Alice in Wonderland type thing but apparently it was Cinderella and family. Here are some of the photos.

The pictures are pretty crappy. I had not had the chance to experiment with the camera’s lighting settings yet. It’s not like I’m trying to sell them or anything, it’s the memories that count.

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The girls were very happy to see Cinderella but it was the evil stepmother and stepsisters that stole the show.

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Mean faces…

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The wife is going to kill me for posting that one…

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A very content RePete.

We had intended on going back to the Animal Kingdom the next day as there were several things I wanted to do that we didn’t get to do on our short day there but by the time that last day rolled around I was so fucking tired of being there that I wanted an easy day….The last day of our trip next time…

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