Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Association Memory Walk 2008

I’ve posted about the Alzheimer’s Association Memory Walk a couple of times before over the last couple of years. There are a few “causes” I try and support. MS is one of them and Alzheimer’s is another. I always try and donate something, even if very small to the Montel Williams foundation and the Alzheimer’s Association but I also post about them here at the site. Last year I donated my custom van to the Alzheimer’s Association. It’s probably a good thing too considering the cost of gas right now…

Anyhow, the Alzheimer’s Memory Walk is the country’s biggest fundraiser for Alzheimer’s research. There are walks in over 600 different places around the country. Although the walks take place at different times of the year they are usually during the fall and are around two or three miles. The closest one to me is actually during the weekend I will be on vacation and out of town in October but there are several more in Kennesaw and Atlanta on different weekends.

Did you know that the 6th leading cause of death in the U.S. is now Alzheimer’s Disease? Someone new is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease every 71 seconds. That’s pretty scary and it’s not just something that occurs in old people. That’s sort of a myth. While it’s most common in people 65 and older even folks much younger than that can have it happen to them. Some notable folks that have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s include of course Ronald Reagan and Charlton Heston in addition to Terry Pratchett, Harold Wilson and Rita Hayworth.

Go check out the links I gave you and get involved if you have the inclination. They are always looking for teams, team captains and individuals to participate and even if you can’t walk in one of the events they will always take donations!

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Charlton Heston Dies at 84

Rest in Peace, Charlton Heston

The larger than life legend and actor Charlton Heston, who has been suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease for several year has passed away at his home.

Heston, known for portrayals of larger than life figure including Moses and Ben Hur, was suffering the late stages of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Heston’s wife of 64 years, Lydia, was by his side at the time of his death, according to the family statement.

Heston is survived by a son, a daughter and three grandchildren.

“We knew him as an adoring husband, a kind and devoted father, and a gentle grandfather, with an infectious sense of humor,” the family said. “He served these far greater roles with tremendous faith, courage and dignity. He loved deeply, and he was deeply loved.”

While no funeral plans have been announced, the family said it would hold a private memorial service.

According to IMDB, Heston has been in at least 126 TV and movie roles over the years although the last few years he has really been more interested in promoting American values, and gun owner rights. He was also very heavily involved in civil rights early on, before it became fashionable for stars to do so, having been a supporter of Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. He was a man of his convictions, much like many of the roles he played in the movies.

Heston was born John Charles Carter on October 4th 1924 in Evanston, Illinois, and made his feature film debut as the lead character in a 16mm production of Peer Gynt (1941), based on the Henrik Ibsen play. Shortly thereafter, he played ‘Marc Antony’ in Julius Caesar (1950), however Heston firmly stamped himself as genuine leading man material with his performance as circus manager ‘Brad Braden’ in the Cecil B. DeMille spectacular The Greatest Show on Earth (1952), also starring James Stewart and Cornel Wilde. The now very popular actor remained perpetually busy during the 1950s, both on TV and on the silver screen with audience pleasing performances in the steamy thriller The Naked Jungle (1954), as a treasure hunter in Secret of the Incas (1954) and another barn storming performance for Cecil B. DeMille as “Moses” in the blockbuster The Ten Commandments (1956). Heston delivered further dynamic performances in the oily film noir thriller Touch of Evil (1958), and then alongside Gregory Peck in the western The Big Country (1958) before scoring the role for which he is arguably best known, that of the wronged Jewish prince who seeks his freedom and revenge in the William Wyler directed Ben-Hur (1959). This mammoth Biblical epic running in excess of three and a half hours became the standard by which other large scale productions would be judged, and it’s superb cast also including Stephen Boyd as the villainous “Massala”, English actor Jack Hawkins as the Roman officer “Quintus Arrius”, and Australian actor Frank Thring as “Pontius Pilate”, all contributed wonderful performances.

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Purple Party Day!

Everyone loves a good party including myself. As a matter of fact we are having one this weekend in honor of my son who is shipping out to Camp LeJeune on Monday morning. I’ll talk about that a bit more later but this is about something that is at the same time almost as important to me and more important to everyone else. World Alzheimer’s Day is the 21st of September (this Friday) and all through the month of September concerned people the world over are holding Purple Parties to raise funds for the Alzheimer’s Association. You will remember that I have posted a couple of times about the Alzheimer’s Association over the last couple of months. While I am seriously against government involvement in charitable organizations and welfare I am all for the involvement of private citizens including myself. I donated a van to the Alzheimer’s Association a couple of weeks ago, and yes it was operational. Hopefully they can sell it for a decent amount and use the funds for something important. I checked the Blue Book value before I called them and it should go for quite a bit.

Anyway, back to the subject at hand. One of the really cool things about hosting a Purple Party is that during the month of September all donations that are made are being matched dollar for dollar by The Harrah’s Foundation. Now that’s a big deal. When a large foundation like that gets involved and is matching funds that is the time to help out. The Alzheimer’s Association has set a goal to raise a million dollars this month and you can help out by hosting a Purple Party yourself and to help get started the first 500 people that agree to raise at least $150 get a free World Alzheimer’s Day party kit which includes a DVD of Alzheimer’s Celebrity Champions, speaking points about Alzheimer’s, donation forms and envelopes (remember your donations are tax deductible), cocktail napkins and thank you cards. You will want to register your purple party so that they can send the kit.

When you register your party it allows you to create your own page for the party, send email reminders to guests and even lets your guests make donations online. I know from personal experience that I am more likely to make a serious donation with credit card in hand and a computer screen sitting in front of me where I can check out the group I am making a donation to than I would on a cold call or having someone come to my house.

There are several different ideas for parties as well. It doesn’t have to be some hoighty toighty expensive dinner party either. You can have a birthday party and in lieu of gifts have your guests make donations, or have a yard sale and donate part pof the proceeds, have a poker party and split the pot with the Alzheimer’s Association or do Movie Night and pass around an empty popcorn container to collect donations. There are countless different ideas that you can come up with. Don’t want to have a party or go to one? That’s OK, go to the site and donate the $25 you were going to spend on pizza tonight.

Ain’t it Just the Luck

I was somewhat interested in joining in on the Alzheimer’s Association’s Memory Walk this year to raise money and awareness for Alzheimer’s disease but apparently it’s being held on October 13th, which is the same weekend that the Helen Blogmeet is going on. Damn, I feel selfish. Walk 15 miles – Get drunk with bloggers in Helen. What a choice.

I will just have to donate or something I suppose. Maybe next year.