It’s been another pretty long weekend. I was hoping for a lazy day at work since all of my managers were working but no such luck. I ended up at least working in the one closest to my house so I shot out of there a bit early and picked up my prescriptions before coming home. Other than that it has been a very quiet week. I have spent the great majority of my time writing about that missing little girl Caylee Anthony and updating my posts on her and her freakish family.
I also spent a bit of time redoing the site. There is still quite a bit of work to do but I like the way it is starting to come together. Any opinions? They are certainly most welcome. In the end I will do whatever I want but it’s always nice to get some feedback from people.
That’s about it for tonight. It’s been after midnight the last couple of nights before I hit the sack so I am going to try and get an extra hours sleep. I’m sure the girls I will be working with tomorrow will appreciate it…