

I guess I’ll leave this on top for a couple of days. Directions and whatnot are down below. 

This week has crept up on me. I started my vacation this morning (Wednesday) and while I had to go into one of my stores for a bit it was a quick visit and now I’m done until next Wednesday morning. Too fucking soon if you ask me.
The reason I took my vacation this week is for two reasons. One, the kids are out of school Monday for fall break and the other, the Helen blogmeet. Yep, it’s Blogtoberfest again. Haven’t heard much carrying on about it this year. I’m looking forward to a restful weekend up in the Mountains. Heck, I don’t even know who all’s coming this time.
As in past years we are staying at the Chalet Kristy right on the banks of the Chattahoochee. It’s a blast. Most of the folks roll in Friday evening or Saturday but a couple of us I know will be up there Thursday evening. By about 6pm I should be sipping a frosty beverage at The Troll if anyone wants to get together.
Directions and some phone numbers are under the fold.
