Dark Knight

A Macabre Weekend…

I’m running short on time this morning but wanted to get a post up prior to going to work. I mentioned a little while earlier that I had a pretty busy weekend. It wasn’t so much busy as it was just staying away from the computer and doing other stuff.

I posted a bit about the barbecue Thursday night. We actually got to bed at a decent time, prior to midnight, so I didn’t sleep to terribly late on Friday. Originally I was going to take Pete to Six Flags but decided to save that trip for another day since the wife had to leave somewhat early to go see the Braves play. The girls made sure to watch and look for her on TV 🙂 There was actually a reasonable chance since they were sitting behind home plate. On at least two occasions they would run in and tell me they saw their mom. Who knows, maybe they did…

Prior to the evening though we took the girls to the movies. Going to the movie theater just isn’t something that’s a high priority on my list. It is prohibitively expensive and between tickets, drinks and snacks you can just about go to the fucking amusement park. There are maybe one or two movies a year that I am willing to spend money on. The rest of the time there’s Netflix. I would rather wait for the DVD release than waste money at the theater. That having been said, Pete and I went to see the Dark Knight and the wife took RePete to see Space Chimps. I think that I most likely got the better end of the deal on that one…

Saturday I worked briefly in the yard and then just hung with the wife. We sat down and watched Sweeney Todd on DVD and then the Sixth Sense on cable. Talk about creepy movie weekend…I was pleasantly surprised at Sweeney Todd. Not that I would like a musical, I knew that. It was more the fact that Johnny Depp and musical just don’t go together. Pretty good movie though…

Yesterday I spend planting some more trees and stuff and then basically did nothing. I intended to at least write a bit but don’t think I managed to accomplish a damn thing. Should have gone to the gym after work. I do plan on going today though. My store manager in Temple is on vacation for the next ten days and that’s pretty much where I’ll be living for the next week and a half. Another week with one day off. What a pisser. It will give me the chance to go work out in the afternoons though since the gym is right behind my restaurant.

Hopefully I will have something interesting to post for Odd Shots Monday before the day is out. I always carry my camera so there is no telling what will come up…

Zemanta Pixie

The Dark Knight Trailer

Doesn’t really show a lot, but here is the trailer to the Batman sequel, coming out next summer.