They (whoever they is/are) say that there is an app for everything. Up until today I wasn’t quite so sure of that but now that I’ve come across this nifty new Android application I know I’ve seen it all. One might think they designed this little baby specifically for Velociman.
What’s the app, you ask?
Exactly as the title of this post says. Pooplog.
From the description over at the Play Market,
PoopLog is a free application that allows you to track your bowel movements using the Bristol Stool Scale on your Android powered device. Once you record the type of bowel movement, volume, and time, PoopLog allows you to attach a note, attach a photo, and even allows you to share any part of your entry with other installed applications (such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, SMS, Email, etc..). PoopLog also features an extensive reporting option which will allow you to export your PoopLog to a text file for easy analysis by a health practitioner.
*NEW*: PoopLog now has the ability to log a pain/discomfort level from 0-10. This option is disabled by default, but can be enabled via Settings > Defaults.
!! UPDATE ALERT !! I am working on and will soon be releasing a large update that will include more logging options, charting, and trends!
Heh. Android Central even posted a video review at Youtube yesterday. You can see it here or watch it below…
I really don’t know what else to say. Damn. The coolest part of the app? You can attach photos and then share your dump on your social networks. bwahaha.