Rock Lobster

Bela Lugosi’s Dead…

I was over at T1G’s place doing something I haven’t had opportunity to do in quite some time, actually visit friends and comment. One of my favorite things to do that got me involved in blogging is just reading their stuff and generally lurking about, you know, like a stalker with an occasional comment. Here lately it seems that the only thing I do is work, come home and try to make some money online, work some more, post more paid crap, go back to work and maybe get three hours of sleep. Fucked up.

Anyway, the wife and girls are at a friend’s house this evening. I am supposed to go back to work tonight but I think I am going to skip it. I have called my relief manager and let him know that he needs to do drawer change tonight and the manager trainee is going to do the other one. I need some check-out time.

What I was actually going to do was comment on his post in which he put the B-52’s Rock Lobster. I love that song. Hell, I love most of their stuff. I am not sure what it is. 99% of what I listen to is heavy metal, you know ‘death to false metal’ and all of that crap, and classic rock. There are a few bands though that for some reason I just like. One is the B-52s. Here’s the video he posted.

I don’t know what it is. I think it must be the raw energy that they put forth. Their later stuff was kind of lame and didn’t capture that energy.

One more from back in the 80’s that doesn’t fit into anything I like is Bauhaus. I have two or three of their early albums and one of my favorite songs is Bela Lugosi’s Dead. This is Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails and Peter Murphy from Bauhaus performing the song.