
Weekend Wanderings

David McMahon is an Aussie who is an author and photographer among other things. He also asks a weekly question in an entry/meme entitled Weekend Wanderings which you can answer during the course of the next week. Another quick writer’s block knock, not that I ever lack for things to post, only the want to…

This week’s question is “when did you last complain about the weather?”

That would be TODAY!


I love the change in weather and while I will bitch the entire summer about how hot it is, I prefer the spring and summer over the cold of the winter anyway. I suppose Autumn is my favorite time of the year but the older I get the more I seem to like the warm weather. 90+ is a bit much though and that’s where it’s been here all week since I got home from vacation. It’s almost as if I brought the warm weather with me.

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