
October Desktop

Happy Halloween!! Well, almost. It certainly feels like it with my current desktop. Stardock has updated their R.I.P. desktop with the newest features from the skinned components included in the theme and release it for free for Wincustomize subscribers as well as with any purchase of a premium skin from the store. Most of the premium skins run less than $10 so you are getting two for the price of one. Here’s what mine looks like right now.


This is one kick-ass theme. The little ghost on top of the start menu is animated and moves back and forth from the tombstone to the right edge.

There are more screen-shots at Wincustomize to look at as well. As you can see I finally changed my user icon in Windows to match the avatar I’ve been using on most of my web sites as well.


Some of the goodies included in the theme are:

  • WB6 Animated skin for Vista & XP
  • Icon Package for Vista & XP
  • Wallpaper in 3 Resolutions
  • Clock Gadget
  • Calendar Gadget
  • Weather Gadget


One more thing that they have done is to release a Dream as well. Dream Scenes are animated desktops that work under Windows Vista Ultimate. It’s the same background, only animated. You can download it for free here if you have Vista Ultimate Extras installed. It’s one of the very few extras that Microsoft has actually released since May and is very cool particularly when it is extended with Stardock’s Deskcapes

Cross-Posted from TheAppDotNet

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