I was considering taking the kids to the redneck riviera (Panama City) during my vacation at the end of next month, but maybe fucking not.

Don’t know where I am going to go, but I won a contest (tied actually with one of the guys I trained recently) at work for a gift certificate on Expedia. Since it looks like we are going to be splitting the prize, that means somewhere around $750. Maybe I will take the kids to Disney World. Have to check prices for tickets, but I know that camping in the park is somewhere around $35 a night, and I can rent a damn SUV for the trip from Armada Vans for about $300 for the week. Will have to start looking I guess.

13 throughts on "JAWS"

  1. Rob here, I have a question about php includes…how did you get them to work on this site? I too am on livingdot and they do not work for me.

  2. Under your movabletype config, do you have “Archive Extension for Archive Files” set up as php? I don’t know an amazingly huge amount about php, but this would be the first thing I would think to check.

  3. when i was a student a Ball State University i worked at a mcdonald’s near campus. i used to work with this guy. i was told by managers that he was a little off and needed some extra help. i remember he got fired at one point b/c he went on a vacay or something and he didn’t request it off. when he got back he didn’t understand why he didn’t have a job anymore. it seems to me like he was capable of some tasks, but the idea of thinking ahead was the kinds of things he was slower on…lacking common sense. now, i didn’t work with him very long, but i got along with him. he was one of those slightly annoying had to ask you the same question a million times kind of guy, but seriously…how hard is it to make fries at mcdonalds???

  4. Check the email address he used to post his comment. I’ll bet this rocket scientist used his real one! LMFAO!

  5. No, he used some bullshit address. First thing I checked. I don’t generally publish email addresses but I would have made an exception here. Trolls don’t count.

  6. I suck jewish penis and love it. I am also insanely jealous of anyone with a personality or opinion.

  7. Hehe. Sorry about that. He posted five or six yesterday using your name and I caught those pretty early but now he’s coming in on a different IP address, possibly using Scroogle.
    I really need to finish the new site and go to signed up commenters only but just haven’t had the time.

  8. No biggie. It’s clear he’s a troll. I know I shouldn’t feed them, but it was pretty funny. I saw his comments yesterday (email notification) and saw that they were deleted. It happens sometimes.
    Finish the new site when you can. Better it be done right than done in a hurry. 🙂 In the meantime, I’ll try to avoid feeding the trolls. 🙂

  9. Trolls are meant to be fed occasionally. I don’t have a problem with them posting as long as they understand this is my site and I will edit their comments if/when the need arises.
    He/she (if it is Dmitriy and not some other douchebag friend of his) is more than welcome to come spout his garbage all day long just as long as he’s using his real email address and name. A good argument can be fun.

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