Getting ready to go to the bank, and was musing on why people expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter. I got to listen to one waitress today bitch about how she’s not making any money. She didn’t appreciate my suggestions very much.
1. Show up for work ontime.
2. Quit trying to leave early.
3. Quit spending half the day outside smoking.
4. Quit telling customers about how you are not making money.
After almost 19 years of doing this I have become a very patient person, but right now my patience is being worn thin.
And those were damn good suggestions too.
I thought so anyway. Damn crybabies.
That’s my biggest pet peeve with waitresses and I’ve been one many many times…you don’t talk that kind of garbage in front of customers…I never worked with a pleasant waitress who didn’t make good tips..some people seem to think that total strangers give a rat’s ass about their problems..I’m a compassionate person but honestly…I don’t give a shit.