It makes me wonder. Just the fact that she actually knows who Stryper is made me laugh for a second or two. I grew up a metal head in the late seventies, all the way through the early 90’s, and I even listened to them for a day or two until I realized just how bad they fucking sucked.
you bet I know them! lol I grew up watching MTV every single day and they played Stryper over and over and over when they were in their ‘prime’… ha! it sucked!
News & Opinion Roundup (28 Aug 08)
News of the day…
The angels sang, the heavens parted and the hand of G-D came down from the clouds and anointed the chosen one. It’s unanimous: Democrats nominate Obama by acclamation
To which the evil Satan had this response.
Army Vet…
Caylee Anthony May Have Been Killed…
Updated August 29th 5:33PM Casey Anthony’s bond revoked, to return to jail on Saturday? Updated August 28th 2008 5:25PM Tests show that a decomposing body had been kept in Casey Anthony’s Trunk. More details here. … Latest updates can…
Where is Caylee Anthony?
Updated August 29th 5:33PM Casey Anthony’s bond revoked, to return to jail on Saturday? Updated August 28th 2008 5:25PM Tests show that a decomposing body had been kept in Casey Anthony’s Trunk. More details here. … Latest updates can…
Formal Charges Filed Against Casey Anthony
Updated August 29th 5:33PM Casey Anthony’s bond revoked, to return to jail on Saturday? Updated August 28th 2008 5:25PM Tests show that a decomposing body had been kept in Casey Anthony’s Trunk. More details here. … Latest updates can…
Caylee Anthony Updates II
Breaking Story – August 14th 2008 6:15PM
Eyewitness News Reveals Remote Area Casey Anthony Made Call From
POSTED: 5:11 pm EDT August 14, 2008
UPDATED: 5:23 pm EDT August 14, 2008
ORLANDO, Fla. — Woods and water are the perfect place to hide a body an…
Gustav and the Federalist System
AP: With Gustav approaching hurricane strength and showing no signs of veering off a track to slam into the Gulf Coast, authorities across the region began laying the groundwork Thursday to get the sick, elderly and poor away from the
My Other God: Jimi
From Jimi’s last studio session: Drifting. Engineered, mixed and compiled by Eddie Kramer and Mitch Mitchell. The vibes on Drifting were added posthumously.Dang, I forgot to watch the DNC coverage… …
Censorship, Thuggery, or the Supercilious Audicity of Barack Obama
Obama Accepts
Podcast Show Notes
Thoughts on Obama’s acceptance speech and the future of the campaign. confirms Obama lied about his born alive vote. (Hat Tip: Confederate Yankee.)
Celebrity in action? Obama’s Greek stage brought to you b…
The August Surprise: Sarah Palin to be GOP VP?
Evaluating “the speech” by Obama
I didn’t watch the acceptance speech Obama gave in ancient Greece Denver tonight, but not to fear, I had a friend who was watching it with a few of his friends, and they were good enough to record their observations for posterity. He passed it on to …
How the Left Became Opposed to Illegal Immigration
Consider the American left’s fervent evangelism of the cult of Global Warming, the newly released report that illegal immigration into the United States drastically increases greenhouse gases, might there be hope they will soon oppose illegal…
There has been much snotty and snide remarks about the setting of the speech. But let’s us conveniently forget about the republicans having had the same type of setting for one of their senatorial elections in 2002.
I knew I could find the information having seen it the other day, it was the 2008 Virginia Republican convention. Guess it doesn’t count for them huh? and
Cindy, what does any of this have to do with the post, which is about Leonard Padilla and Casey Anthony?
I do occasionally post political discussions but haven’t any time lately.
Gaddafi’s Son: Lockerbie relatives “very greedy”
It’s difficult to even imagine the horror of losing a loved one to a terrorist act. To think that someone you cared for so deeply was erased from this world just so Gaddafi could made a political/religious statement.
Is Padilla going to be a man or a bondsman? If he turns her in on a whim, he should not be trusted by any future or potential clients. He will do the same to them so “watch out” and research your bail bondsman so your rights will be protected. As a law student, I for one would not refer any client to Padilla in the future.
Padilla isn’t a bondsman, which is why things are like this. He’s never claimed to be a bondsman. The dude is a bounty hunter.
Oh by the way, Casey has been arrested again. More details at
Two Questions For Barack Following The Palin Nomination
O Wondrous Lightworker, in light of your record as a legislator and public statements during the campaign, would you please enlighten the people of this great nation on the following two questions. 1) Given the fact that Sarah Palin’s youngest…
Decomposing Body Was in Casey Anthony’s Trunk
Update August 29th 10:50PM – Casey has been re-arrested for writing bad checks. Updated August 29th 5:33PM Casey Anthony’s bond revoked, to return to jail on Saturday? 7:30 AM – The Orlando Sentinel is now also reporting that the Orange…
Deputy Fired For Having Relations With Casey Anthony
Update August 29th 10:50PM – Casey has been re-arrested for writing bad checks. Updated August 29th 5:33PM Casey Anthony’s bond revoked, to return to jail on Saturday? Updated August 28th 2008 5:25PM Tests show that a decomposing body had been…
Texas EquuSearch Going to Florida
Update August 29th 10:50PM – Casey has been re-arrested for writing bad checks. Updated August 29th 5:33PM Casey Anthony’s bond revoked, to return to jail on Saturday? Texas EquuSearch is officially going to Florida to help on the Caylee Anthony…
CNN’s John Roberts: Palin Might Neglect Her Disabled Infant…Children with Down’s syndrome require an awful lot of attention.
Matthew caught this, and I must say, I was stunned. Would this same question have been asked had it been a man chosen and that same man had an infant at home with Down’s syndrome:
JOHN ROBERTS: You know, there’s one other issue — we…
The bond was officially revoked per Fox Orlando.
Casey will be in jail “indefinitly”.
Guess Padilla didn’t like getting pummeled on the Nancy Grace show last night over his flip flopping.
Thanks for the link Nicole. Yeah, between Nancy Grace and the arrest last night I figured he would back out on it.
The guy is actually pretty smart. I would hope that maybe he would stick around an help look for Caylee’s body with TES.
Casey Anthony Has Been Arrested Again…AND Her Bond Revoked by Padilla
Casey’s Bond has definitely been revoked. Details lower in the entry or click here. I had to run in to work for shift change and while there I received an email that Casey has been arrested. I don’t have any…
A Question About Palin’s “Troopergate”
Which really seems to be a tempest in a teapot, since under Alaska law and the Alaska Constitution, she has the right to fire a political appointee for any reason — or no reason at all. But let’s consider what…
News & Opinion Roundup (31 Aug 08)
Hurricane Gustav Preparedness Checklist – My advice? Get the hell out of the way.
Tale of the Tape: Sarah Palin vs. Barack Obama
Democrats Laugh At Potential New Orleans Disaster
Stay Classy Daily Kos: A…
the audacity of hype
Thomas Sowell has a great piece up on “Change in Politics” -regarding Obama and why the “change” rhetoric is merely repeating the failures of FDR regarding the economy, but points out that at least FDR had the sense to be strong…
Gustav is GOOD NEWS for Republicans
We pray that Gustav downgrades, turns, disappears, does not hit American soil, does not cause any injuries or loss of life for Americans and does not cause any property damage. But it does look like Gustav will make landfall somewhere near New Orleans…
News & Opinion Roundup (2 Sept 08)
GOP convention hopes to get back to normal today
Old, Grizzled Third Party Candidate May Steal Support From McCain
Leftist filth showing their class in St Paul.
Exclusive: When It Comes to Islamism, the DNC Still Doesn’t Get It
John Kerry: Palin Cho…
21 blackjack trainer
fourteenth:Staten pandemic