Another day

Well, still feeling like shit today. It was also truck day, which means a semi brings in about $6k worth of food, around 120 cases and I get to take the shit out of the boxes and put it up. Damn, I am dog tired.

I still got out of there at a decent time and picked up the small one at day care and came home. Stephanie is just going to have to pick up the others. I’ve already straightened the house and vacuumed, and did the couple of coffee cups that were left from this morning. All that is left to do is dinner and whatever chores the kids have to do. We may have to do take-out as I damn sure don’t feel like cooking tonight. The only thing it is time for right now is a muscle relaxer and a bit of Lenny Kravitz.

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2 throughts on "Another day"

  1. Jack was not just arrested once this week, but twice. He was ordered held on $150,000 bail and a pretrial hearing was set for Aug. 28.

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