Back to work

I have to go back today. It’s going to be a long one. I start at my old store, have to close the weekly payroll, do audits and inventories and such checking myself out and the new manager in. Then I head to the new store that I will spend about three weeks in, and check IN, doing more audits and inventories. I’ll spend part of the day cooking, then have a couple of interviews to do for the store I will be in next month. Damn. Then I have to drive out to the damn Galleria for a meeting at 3:45 this afternoon until 6:30. Cool, I get to go home in rush hour traffic in Cobb County.

Something is still weird with my site. I can get to it, then I can’t. I am starting to gt pissed off. It was up for a little while yesterday, but this makes the better part of a day that it has been down. Guess I will just save this post until I get home tonight. Then I can bitch about what a long day it HAS BEEN 🙂 rather than how long it is going to be. It’s all the same anyway.

Damn, the site was down this morning. I wrote the above this morning about 5am. Just got home after a 16 hour day. Don’t think I will do any posting other than answering a few comments.

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2 throughts on "Back to work"

  1. Hope your day went okay…it’s now the morning of the 21st and I don’t see any bitchin’ about it yet so maybe it wasn’t that bad. Maybe. heh.

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