Slow Day…at Least at Home

I had a fairly long day at work today. Don’t really have much to post about here. Lots of DRAMA with all capitals. Waitresses boyfriends hitting on other waitresses, people coming in late (one of my pet peeves), general bullshit like that.

Payday is Sunday for my people at work. The ones that work graveyard shift Saturday usually get paid before they leave Sunday morning. I have had a lot of issues with getting hung on Sunday nights, so last week I told them all that if they were off Saturday but working Sunday, they would start getting paid at the end of their Sunday shift, meaning 7 AM Monday morning. Sure enough, both of the people that are working tonight showed up this afternoon looking to get paid and I sent their asses back out the door and told them that I would either be there for shift change tonight or pay them when they got off.

They finally got there tonight, twenty minutes late. One of the waitresses called me a couple of minutes ago wanting to know if I was coming up to pay here. She sounded distraught when I told her that I would be there before she gets off work in the morning. What the fuck is up with that? I have about the crappiest 3rd shift working that I have ever had. I have managed to hire a couple of people to start on Wednesday, one of which used to work for me in another store, and the other one is new, but he is in his fifties, so at least I will have a bit more adult presence in there. That’s been part of the problem the last couple of months, mainly young people with bad attitudes. I still need to hire a couple more people, and I plan to have them hired and trained before I start my vacation on the 25th.

It looks like my boss is going to be staying with the company after all, so that is a good thing. The evil you know is always better than the one you don’t.