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This is the second Poker site I have reviewed in the last month or two and I found it pretty interesting. It is the highest rakeback that I have seen so far for Full Tilt Poker at 27%. Full Tilt Poker is still accepting players from the United States and they are the most popular poker room that has a rakeback plan in place. Since most sites have blocked players from the United States (or at least their accounts) due to our oppressive laws Full Tilt Poker has become the number one choice for American players.
All you have to do is visit them and download the software, create an account and complete the registration process. It might ask you for a bonus code when you are registering, that is available at the Full Tilt Poker Rakeback page. Once you have gotten all set up and are ready to go, email them with your Full Tilt Poker user name and they will enter you into the Full Tilt Poker Rakeback program and give you the ability to track your daily totals. Do it before you make any kind of a deposit so that you can verify that you are hooked into a real money account.
What’s nice is that the software used was programmed and reviewed by poker players and is very professional and smooth. The color code the rooms so that you know the difference between real money and play money rooms and have professional celebrity players online as well quite often. During Prime Time you can find up to 15,000 players online, which makes Full Tilt one of the largest independent online poker rooms. If you are going to play online you might as well go where the pros do and get a decent Full Tilt Poker Rakeback at the same time.
Yep, Fulltilt poker is the nuts. I get my rakeback from them everymonth. Here is a cool site about Rakeback.
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I just don’t have anything to say these days. Oh well. Not that it matters. I feel like a bunch of nothing. I can’t be bothered with anything , but whatever. Not much on my mind right now.
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