
I am looking forward to driving to Hilton Head tomorrow. We were going to leave in the morning, but I have several things to take care of in the morning so it may be after lunch before we head out. I have a few more posts to write, so it really just depends on what time I get to bed.

Spoke with V-Man tonight and I think we may be getting together Saturday for dinner. Probably going to have the girls with me so I can’t get too god-awful tanked or anything. He said he would drive up to Bluffton so I am not sure whether we will meet there or in Savannah yet.

I do want to drive down to Savannah at some point in the trip as well. Even if all we do is site see, that’s OK. It really depends on which children and how many are with us as to what we do. I will just wait and see on that one.

9 throughts on "Savannah"

  1. I have an old perverted uncle that lives at Hilton Head.
    He’s so depraved and preverted that he makes Vman look normal.

  2. Although nothing can be said to justify this tragedy. I am obligated to inform you (the public) that stress, frustration and lack of proper guidance, has lead to this most unfortunate situation. After their father passed just 10 months ago and mother being in and out of jail. This could easily set off a train-reaction for catastrophe, the fact that a hat could cause a Cain and Abe effect only amplifies that peace only residues in the hearts of fools…. for life is never guaranteed only leased…..

  3. Lack of proper guidance I can believe but ten months is certainly not enough time without proper guidance for someone to lose all of their moral values and turn them into murderers. Perhaps a lack of proper guidance his entire life is more like it. Stress and frustration? Bullshit.

  4. i have known D for many years i also knew Jason as well. even though i was closer to jason then to D i know that what happened was a complete accident. D and jason loved each other very much and i know that he never ment to hurt jason. i miss jason very much and its even worse to know that he died on my birthday. and as for D i pray that you keep your head up and just know that jason loves you and he’s in heaven looking down on you watching over you. i cnt imagine how hard it is to be going through what your going through but im prayin for you and i hope that you keep your head up and just pray and look for god. even though me and you were never close D i got a lot of love for you. LOVE AND MISS YOU JASON A.K.A JAE now your in heaven with CORVIN A.K.A C-LO i love you both !!

  5. Listen everybody im tired of all this dumb publicity none of you know what really happened the one that was killed was my boyfriend . It was stupid && neither are they they were under the influence didnt know what they were doing . Those two boys were the realist people i ever met && not only did I lose my boyfriend in the situation i lost a friend to the system , though he deserves the time for what he did he regrets it . He told me he cries like a little kid when ever he thinks of it . it hurts to look on tha internet and see people i loved made fun of and what not . so you fck ass hoes and niggas who have nothing good to say why dont you call me instead 813 2647985 ! all day btch !

  6. Lost a friend to the system? I doubt seriously if ‘the system’ was the one doing the murdering.
    Why is it that you can come on here commenting about “hoes and niggas” yet if it was me saying the same I would be called a racist? Personally I think it’s much more effective in getting your point across by writing (or speaking) in proper English rather than whatever Ebonics crap you are spouting.

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