As I said when I posted this morning I got up before everyone else. It wasn’t long however before everyone else crawled out of bed. Rather than make a trip to the beach, the wife wanted to go to the pool here at Rose Hill, so we loaded the kids up in the car (it took two trips) and drove over there. Sort of weird having to drive to a pool in the same subdivision, but OK. Took a couple of pictures at the pool of RePete in all her gear.
That’s some serious flotation going on there. She mucch prefers the pool to te beach. I guess at four years old the ocean is just too big and strong for her. I did manage to get her out into it a little bit yesterday, but she loves the pool. Now if I can just get her brave enough to go without the stuff…Her sister is like a fish so it probably won’t be long before she is as well.
After swimming we (the wife and I) loaded RePete into the car and drove to Hilton Head. Pete decided to stay and play at the house with all the other kids, and I think she regretted it later. She ended up being pretty bored.
We drove down to Harbor Town and let her look at the boats and the lighthouse. But first we started the drive the way we always start. It doesn’t normally take very long even when she is fighting it. The other two were the same way. I’ve been known to load my oldest girl up in the car just to get her to go to sleep.
She loved the boats. Several times she asked, no, demanded that we take her on a boat ride. I told her that next time we were in Bluffton maybe we would look up Rick and Georgia and see if they would take her on a boat ride. As I said, she loved the boats.
We wandered around on the pier for a few minutes. Here is the lighthouse from the water side…
And the restaurant at the bottom as well. I am somewhat interested in driving back up to Hunting Island again. The last time that we were there it was closed to the public, but I heard it is open again. Maybe when we come here in September for the boy’s graduation…
So we hung out and had a snack and listened to a bit of live music…
After we ate we let RePete run around the playground for a little while.
All in all it has been a pretty nice day. We arrived back at the house to have ribs, which were pretty good and the kids are all chilling as is the wife and her friend. I think they may even be chilling with a bit of Goslings thanks to a friend.
BTW Elisson, I fixed the post. It’s still not showing up properly on my laptop, but the embed code was stuck in there using WYSIWYG mode instead of straight html. Fixed I think. Thanks for the grossness.
We have one more day. I think that we are going to head back on Tuesday at some point. Tomorrow morning we are going to drive into Savannah, and I would kind of like to go back to Hilton Head at least once more. The next time I come I will most likely have to pay for lodging. It’s nice to have people that live near the beach, although I am sure the wife would much prefer them living back near us again.
Don’t know if anyone else will be posting here tomorrow. I am almost scared to see what comes next, althought they have certainly kept me entertained, as has Ms. Fab