Some Real Uses For Twitter

I finally found a real-life use for twitter that I am going to start using immediately. My Mile Marker is a site that you enter a bit of data whenever you fill up at the gas tank. Right now the site is free. It tracks your fuel purchases and odometer readings. Every time you are at the pump you just enter your current odometer reading, the number of gallons purchased and the price per gallon. You can add it at the web page or via SMS with Twitter while you are at the pump.

This is cool because I have to track my mileage for work as they pay for my gas used, but filling out the paperwork and figuring MPG is a pain that I hate doing just because it’s one more bit of paperwork to do.

You can also use Twitter to send you reminders (such as remember the milk) on a timer as well. Very very cool.

Crossposted to TheAppDotNet

3 throughts on "Some Real Uses For Twitter"

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    Last July, Laszlo Arsenioi Horvath admitted to having had sex with his dog. He was sentenced to home confinement. Now, he has been partially released so that the man accused of having sex with his dog can attend culinary school. Yum!
    Laszlo Arsenio Ho…

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