This weeks PhotoHunt Saturday theme is Dirty. She’s not sure if she likes this sand stuff or not…
Technorati: PhotoHunt
This is also my Open Track-Back Post for Labor Day Weekend 2007.
Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, Blog @, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, DeMediacratic Nation, 123beta, Adam’s Blog, Right Truth, Inside the Northwest Territory, Nuke’s News & Views, , Stuck On Stupid, Webloggin, Leaning Straight Up, Cao’s Blog, The Bullwinkle Blog, The Amboy Times, , Conservative Cat, third world county, Right Celebrity, Woman Honor Thyself, The Uncooperative Radio Show!, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, CommonSenseAmerica, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Right Voices, and Church and State, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
For whatever it’s worth, I created a little spot on the web showing off some of the photos I’ve taken over the recent years with my little Olympus point-and-shoot digital camera. The URL is in case anyone is interested.
A word from Afghanistan (OTB)
There is a group of men, one in particular, who are training the Afghan National Police in every aspect (starting from the ground up) of police work. Finally, after being out in the middle of only God knows where, he has had an opportunity to pos ……
Labor Day Open Trackback Aug 31 – Sep 3
Labor Day open trackback! Leave a trackback of your best post for others to read.
Oil Companies Vindicated
Reaction to the Larry Craig Resignation, how market forces caused gas prices, hope for primary reform, and the overlooked heroes of the Hurricane Katrina Recovery effort. These and more are topics on tonight’s Truth and Hope Report Podcast.
I Hate the Military’s Stop Loss Policy
But I understand that its a necessary element of our military. First and foremost is the Nation’s security. Ensuring our security is the job of our Men at Arms. That is what they do. They know that when they sign up and volunteer to stand and be a de…
Petition: Stand by the American Mission in Iraq
We, the undersigned, call on our national leaders and fellow citizens to resist calls for a premature withdrawal from Iraq and to support America’s troops under the new commander, Gen. David Petraeus, as they implement a bold new strategy designed to…
Military Moms Stand Up to Pelosi & Reid
This came to my email inbox, it may not get much media exposure. So Pass it on. It deserves our support
Please find below a special message from our sponsor, Move America Forward about the upcoming Fight For Victory Tour that takes place September …
Mohammad the Prophet Balloons
Kiss Me~!
Let the kissin begin~!
John Edwards wants mandatory preventive health care
According to this report, “John Edwards said on Sunday that his universal health care proposal would require that Americans go to the doctor for preventive care.” Hubby says, “This is the true color of a leftist. He wants to micromanage
Catching up with hurricane activity
Activity in the tropics has certainly picked up this past week. We currently have 4 storms in our general watch area – two in the eastern Pacific and two in the Atlantic. There is also Typhoon Fitow, a Level 1 typhoon heading towards Japan.
My Protest to the Mexican Presidente
John Edwards health plan includes compulsory preventative care
You read that right. His mandatory health plan that will cover everyone also includes mandatory appointments, meaning if you are enrolled, and everyone has to, you MUST go to the doctor according to the plan.
The story comes from Ann Althous…
The ACLU sues the Military while Code-Pink treats them as a publicity stunt
Crosslinked to Stop the ACLU.
Via Time:
Lawsuit Alleges Troop Misconduct
New documents released Tuesday regarding crimes committed by U.S. soldiers against civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan detail a troubling pattern of troops f…
Taxpayers Pay Legal Fees for Clinton Scandal
…Hillary Clinton conceived of the scheme to sell seats on trade mission in exchange for campaign contributions.
Fred! is in!
It’s official. Fred! is in.
Thompson announces ’08 bid, Hollywood-style
Actor makes long-awaited declaration on taped ‘Tonight Show’ appearance
Fred Thompson — veteran actor, former Republican senator — launc…
Plenty of shame to go around
Northwest Indiana had some controversy brewing the last few days over a story that the owner of a Crown Point Dunkin’ Donuts had refused to serve a U.S. serviceman. According to the account …