Windows Live Writer

Thanks to Owen I found out about another offline blog publishing platform that I wanted to check out. Windows Live Writer is what I am using to type this up. I have a few different sites and sometimes it’s hard to keep in my head which ones I am posting to.

I don’t think that this will particularly solve that problem because mine is more related to the fact that sometimes I will post to several different sites at the same time and that is what confuses me.

So far I like the setup and the options. This is the only blog I have added to it thus far but I will add the rest shortly.

There are options to add ping servers, which are a must and buttons to insert hyperlinks, photos, tables, maps, tags and videos. I will post more about it and maybe a review on my tech site once I have used it for awhile.

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2 throughts on "Windows Live Writer"

  1. This is to the law enforcements: I don’t know what they are smoking. They should have arrested Misty fast ass months ago and she would have told everything she knew….Her ass was not at home and just maybe her brother went into the tailer and took little Haleigh. She have lied many time and I dont believe that she pass not one lie detective test….because if she failed one she failed them all…unless you only asked her what’a her name and she might have pass that….The father tried to contact Misty on the day little Haleigh went missing many of time and was not able to reach her by telephone….If she were to be babysitting she should have answer the phone….SHE WAS NOT HOME. I don’t care how old she is, she must tell the truth so that the law enforcements can better search for little Haleigh…It been 7 long months are anyone thinking about what may be going on with little Haleigh? Is she hurting? Is she alive? We are talking about a 6 years old little girl….Her father should have told the law enforcement the first night the police arrived at his home that he had tried to contact his girlfriend (at the time) and was not able to reach her by phone… It was said that Ron asked Misty brother to go to the trailer where little Haleigh lives and check….This information is a prime key to little Haleigh missing…Now Ron should be a suspect due to lack of information……PUT PRESSURE ON ALL THEIR ASSES….Keep that brother in jail until he tell all…..He knows more….

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