Happy All-Saints Day, or something like that. I have quite a few things to write about today, but no time. Perhaps later today if my meeting doesn’t take too long. In place of any real content 🙁 I am giving you guys this open-track-back post. Feel free to link to it and the link will display right here on the main page so that disappointed people everywhere can find something cool to read 🙂
Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, , third world county, Right Truth, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Inside the Northwest Territory, The World According to Carl, The Pet Haven Blog, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, The Amboy Times, Leaning Straight Up, Big Dog’s Weblog, Adeline and Hazel, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Official kick-off for The Independent Counterterrorist Training
On the first day of each month, beginning today, a new module of the Free Independent Counterterrorist Training will be offered to anyone, free, here at Right Truth. This is a chance for each of you to educate yourselves on
T-13, 1.46: A Few of My Favorite Things
Design Review – Conservative Cowboy
Since joining the The Cowboy Code Marshals, I thought I’d review a couple of the members. To get the ball rolling, I’ll start with the Conservative Cowboy.
I’m not sure what I’d call the style of this site. I have the sa…
How the Media Can Mis-Underestimate GWB and Spending
Texas School Cites Guardian, Student with Truancy for Attending US Marine Graduation
Yet another example of the anti-military stance in our public education system. In this case an OFFICE WORKER files charges against a guardian for “Contributing to Nonattendance” of a child and further charged the child with truancy even …
Hot Links
Here is a re-cap of some of the latest news:
Breaking: University of Delaware terminates its indoctrination program.
Wow. The combination of FIRE + blogs proved to be too much for the University of Delaware. The university president’s note here
Americans Can Stand Up
Our greatest fear is that the world has gone mad and there’s nothing we can do about it. Yes, there is and some folks are leading the way: Hillary Clinton’s fishy campaign contributions have been challenged by conservative bloggers, the Uni…
Once Trust Has Been Betrayed – Who Do You Believe?
FIRE and Glenn Beck discuss the University of Delaware indoctrination program
More to come on this topic, including one commentor’s accusation that this progam is a conservative conspiracy to make the Universities leftist….
Video courtesy of Hot Air
Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Is It Just Me?, …
Dump This Judge
When you hold a woman at gunpoint and force her to have sex against her will, you have committed rape. It doesn’t matter if she is a prostitute by trade. Why doesn’t this idiot judge understand that? A judge in…
Am I The Only One Troubled?
I may be about to make myself the most unpopular guy in the blogosphere with this post. I may even be accused of defending the indefensible. But I’m taken aback by the untoward celebration of a decision that imperils the…
CNN Propagandizes For Terrorists
After all, this is how they led off a story on the latest coalition military action in Afghanistan. Children die in Afghanistan raid Two children died as U.S.-led coalition forces stormed a compound in Afghanistan where a suspected Taliban militant…
Call him. Write him. Seize the moment.
Get ready for the ' elect Al Gore for president ads '. Website DraftGore.com (not going to link