Project Valour-IT

The last couple of years I have been remiss in joining and never put the widget up for Project Valour-IT. This year I made sure to sign up and am on the Marine Corps team in honor of my son who is currently serving at Camp LeJeune.

‘Project Valour-IT, in memory of SFC William V. Ziegenfuss, helps provide voice-controlled and adaptive laptop computers to wounded Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines recovering from hand wounds and other severe injuries at major military medical centers. Operating laptops by speaking into a microphone or using other adaptive technologies, our wounded heroes are able to send and receive messages from friends and loved ones, surf the ‘Net, and communicate with buddies still in the field. The experience of MAJ Charles “Chuck” Ziegenfuss, a partner in the project who suffered serious hand wounds while serving in Iraq, illustrates how important these laptops can be to a wounded service member’s recovery.’

If you are interested in donating OR participating click on the link above and get involved. This is a great cause to be involved in. The 2007 Fundraising competition will run until November 11th, so I will leave this on top until then. I am also making this an open track-back post, which means that anyone that links to it from their site and sends a ping will get listed at the bottom of this entry.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Trackposted to Nuke’s, Perri Nelson’s Website, Blog @, third world county, Right Truth, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Big Dog’s Weblog, The Amboy Times, Dumb Ox Daily News, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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