
My ten year old loves the Bratz dolls. She wants to see the DVD that was just released but I just don’t see that happening any time soon. I did come across this video a few minutes ago and knew I needed to post it. I’m sure that the wife will see it when she wakes up in the morning. She pretty much agrees with me on the Bratz and thinks that they are certainly not the kind of message we need to be sending to our kids. Trailer Trash Barbie would be a better play toy than the darned Bratz (says the guy that bought a Bratz play set for Christmas last year. Not happening this year though).

Completely off the subject of the post at hand, I checked a new manager in to my problem store today. Thank goodness. The last couple of weeks have been pretty darn rough and although I would have preferred it to the last manager I had, I was not looking forward to running the place through the rest of the holiday season.

Here’s to hoping that this guy lasts longer than the last two. He’s my third manager since I took the district back at the beginning of May.

1 throught on "Bratz…"

  1. My ten yr. old also likes them. I refuse to buy the hoochie looking dolls but my dad on the other hand has no problem. He came in a month ago carrying these large cardboard cut outs. I asked what they were and he turned them around and they ended up be life size standing Bratz. He couldn’t make up his mind which one to buy so he bought both of them. I ended up having to hang them on the wall so he wouldn’t get his feelings hurt. The things we have to go through as parents.

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