I got an email from a friend the other day. Seems that a few bloggers are getting together for dinner tonight in Atlanta. I lucked out on that one. One of my manager’s is supposed to be off this weekend but he is wanting to go skiing the weekend prior to my vacation with some buddies and wanted to know if I would trade days off with him.
I thought that was a pretty good idea. My weekend off wasn’t supposed to roll around until that weekend four days before I start my vacation and I am pretty sure I would have lost at least one of those days off once my boss looked at the schedules. This way I still go on vacation in three weeks AND get THIS weekend off. Sweet. We even found a babysitter for the girls for tonight, so the wife and I will both get to go. She’s made it to a couple of blogmeets with me but not had the opportunity to just go hang out with them.
Today is the boy’s birthday but I will post about that later today. It’s kind of sad because this is the first time he has never been with us on his birthday. I think I will call him shortly and see if he’s awake. He has a pretty bad cold in addition to being miserable because he has no clothing to speak of. Maybe I can send him some Sports Authority coupons 🙂
Actually he already has received his birthday present. He wanted the Orange Box version of Half-Life 2 and since he lost the password for one of my Steam accounts and can’t seem to get it reset, that was perfect.
Happy Birthday to your son!
Meeting any bloggers that I might know?
Since I cannot figure out how to leave a comment on your other blog, I wanted to say;
That would be truly disappointing for your wife to invest that much per month and only have $9500 to show for it. I hope you find something better.
Have fun this weekend.
You should be able to just comment. Near the bottom of each entry there is a link to log in or ‘comment anonymously’. Anonymous is the way I do it here and most blogs do as well, but signing up for an account or using one of the participating partners such as Vox,Typekey or Livejournal allows for the comment to be posted without moderation. It’s the route I chose to go rather than using the captcha’s I use here.
Not only that but eventually I will implement user profiles and avatars over there. The framework is in place but I just don’t have the time to devote right now. I have been talking to a couple of folks about maybe having them post on a regular basis as well but I need to make the site self-sufficient first. I finally have it to the point where Shadowscope pays for itself just through adsense but would like to keep increasing traffic to the point where I won’t even have to use the context links or PPP stuff either.
Didn’t mean for this to turn into a full post.
As of 3:08 pm, 10/4/2009, her status reads:
This rocket surgeon is a prosecutor’s wet dream.
What’s even funnier is her current “About Me” blurb, right out in full view of Gawd and everyone…
This retarded skank is, as evidenced by her lovely, grammatically-correct prose, either a high school drop-out or she got by via blowing & swallowing her way through to graduation. She’ll make a good meth ho’ for some ghetto pimp some day. (If her pillar-of-society “Better Half”, Jared Lee Garfagna, isn’t already her pimp.)
I was going to post her about me blurb but was already getting a bit long-winded. LMAO. Hopefully the prosecutor is taking daily screenshots of her page 🙂
I grabbed a screenshot of the quotes above and have it saved, if you should need it for “evidence” later on. 😉