So I know I’m supposed to post about once a week on here to keep everyone informed on how I’m saving the world one fileback at a time. But I don’t really have a pc so I’m having to use my phone to email my mom what I want posted and have her put it on. Which is fine, but damn its hard to type up these emails with a cellphone.
So anyway today I would like to talk about cigarettes. I smoked for a couple months (it was the easiest way to get a break in the Marines) and after my mom caught me, I decided to quit. Once I got here in Cali, I bought a pack of cigarettes, smoked two, then gave the pack to some random person, because I don’t feel like dying before I hit 50. I also don’t really wanna get past 60 but that’s a little bit down the road. Which got me thinking: my dad was supposed to quit, and he did cut down to about 5 a day, which he will tell you is a great improvement, but I’ll tell you now, it only takes one bullet to kill you, it may have less of a chance then say 20 bullets, (unless a Marine fires it, then your SOL), but it still can kill you. So everybody who reads this, make sure to leave comments on his site, send him emails, leave him voicemails, telling him to quit smoking.
As Rodney Dangerfield would say…I get no respect.
Even getting harassed here on my own turf.