Normally I’m the only one up on a Saturday morning this early. I have to start getting ready for work shortly myself, but the wife and girls are driving back to Hilton Head for the weekend to see our friend Niqui. This may be the last chance they have to go visit before she moves. Of course if there is time at the end of the school year I’m sure they will go visit then but I think she plans on moving as soon as the year is up.
It’s some pretty cruddy weather out to drive in, that’s for sure. I grilled out last night and it was in the mid to high sixties. Now it’s raining and in the mid thirties. I love the spring time but the part I don’t like is when you are still at that stage where it’s too cold out in the morning. I still haven’t put my plants outside. I pulled them out of the basement too early last year and almost killed several of them due to a late freeze and I don’t want that to happen this year.
Speaking of grilling out, we had a couple of dinner guests last night. Supergurl stopped in on her way to Atlanta and a friend of the wife’s from work came over. I managed to get out of working last night when my boss and all of the other district managers were working 5-9p. Unfortunately I will have to make up the time and work this evening.
I am still having a hard time not smoking. I’m down to anywhere from one to five cigarettes a day and just cannot seem to get over that hump. I need to call our friend Michelle up. She was taking Chantix and didn’t like it, so I need to buy hers. I only have five days left. Man, time flies when you’re having fun. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this has got to be the hardest thing I have ever done. If I could only go through addiction treatment for it or something and get the initial few weeks over with without being exposed I am sure I could get past it. Unfortunately although my health insurance company frowns upon my smoking and jacks up my rates because of it, they wouldn’t dream of actually paying for any type of smoking cessation program even if it would save them millions of dollars a year. They aren’t in the market to save money, they are in the market to charge exorbitant rates to unhealthy people.
That’s about it for this morning. I’m just sitting here sipping my morning cup of coffee and balancing the checkbook before I go to work. That’s something that seems to have lessened as well. I don’t seem to be drinking quite as much coffee since I have cut my nicotine intake either.
Fire Her Ass!!! It’s only a matter of time anyway.
This is one of those sticky situations where she has some long term back problems, of course she is starting to claim it is related to bending over the dishwasher. I will end up giving her SEVERAL written warnings before I even consider firing her. What pisses me off is that I hired her ass in one of the newer restaurants I opened about six years ago. Hell, after 18 years, I have hired or trained a good many of our long term fols I guess.
Damn, I hate this comments template. Need to do something about it soon. It is starting to really annoy me, especially the part after you post, and it shows EVERYTHING, with the damn comments squeezed into that tiny little space. Anyhow, time to go to work, have to oversee drawer change.
Have a heart man!!!! Don’t look down on a person because you feel that a pet dying isn’t as big of a deal as your friend dying.
If these PETA idiot were not happy enogh defending rats now their defending cockroaches i mean are they offended by those old RAID ads where the roaches get blown up? have they watched dumb movies like JOES APARTMENT? frankly olny a idiot would have anything to do with stupid groups like PETA
PETA are a bunch of idiots they do nothing to help animals all they do is run around in rediclous costumes picket in front of fast food places brainwash kids with their antifamily antiparent crap and kill animals and support radicals and terrorists its time for PETA to lose its tax exempt status
Anyone who stays home from work for adogs funneral is a dim-bulb tell her that is a poor excuse to stay home just have the dog creamated and thats all
PETA is the most rediclous group around forcing their rediclous animal rights nonsense on us while killing 90% of the animals they have adopted SCREW PETA
Hey you animal rights wackos but unlike what you see in BAMBI a male deer is not a very good papa and unlike what you might have seen in that stupid french movie THE BEAR a male bear will kill a cub thats why the she bear keeps him away, and if PETA ever shows up at the farm where MILBUR and CHARLLOT live the CHARLLOTT had betting weave in her web PETAS HERE ALL HIDE
Keep it up man, and stay on the Chantix! For me it has been a miracle drug though it does have its side effects:
I would highly reccomend it to someone trying to kick the habit.
21 Days for me and NO cravings!
I appreciate it. The last couple of days I’ve done pretty lousy and need to get back on track.