…days that is.
Only one if you don’t count today.
One more day of work.
My Area Vice President came in and spent about half the day in the store where I was working today. I told him that I was pretty much worthless and that I was actually already in Florida. It’s a pretty big stretch to keep focused on the task at hand and make myself get things done but somehow I am managing it. I did hit the door about a quarter after one this afternoon and went to the gym. I spent so much time waiting on the phone for my managers to get me their numbers I ended up not being able to work out anyway so I just came home and have been hanging out here.
We have started packing in preparation for the trip. Normally we aren’t gone for quite so long so the dog is going to the kennel and a friend of ours will be feeding the cat and checking on the place for us.

All the girls have been talking about the last day or so is going to Disney World. That’s OK, we are probably looking forward to it just as much as they are.