Weekend Wanderings

David McMahon is an Aussie who is an author and photographer among other things. He also asks a weekly question in an entry/meme entitled Weekend Wanderings which you can answer during the course of the next week. Another quick writer’s block knock, not that I ever lack for things to post, only the want to…

This week’s question is “when did you last complain about the weather?”

That would be TODAY!


I love the change in weather and while I will bitch the entire summer about how hot it is, I prefer the spring and summer over the cold of the winter anyway. I suppose Autumn is my favorite time of the year but the older I get the more I seem to like the warm weather. 90+ is a bit much though and that’s where it’s been here all week since I got home from vacation. It’s almost as if I brought the warm weather with me.

Zemanta Pixie

3 throughts on "Weekend Wanderings"

  1. Well, it was really nice reading your post on the weather because it actually has been the topic of my household this past week because now that summer is here that means only one thing and that is hot weather. Which like you spring and summer are my most favorite seasons. Because with one of my mental illnesses that I have which is Seasonal Affective Disorder which acts up really bad during the cold months which means I hate the cold months because they make me feel so crummy. Though since I like the hot weather that doesn’t mean that everyone that I live with does like my wife for example she likes the fall and early spring months the best because she hates being hot because she has a hard time breathing when it is too hot. So the reason it has been a topic in our household this past week is because this week has been unusually hot here where we live and we live on the second floor of the house/apartment building that we live in and everyone knows heat rises which when it is like 90 degrees out it is like a 110 inside our apartment. So that caused everyone in our household to be very uncomfortable and moody. So I had no choice I had to call our landlords and request air conditioners for our apartment but we really didn’t want to because they charge $15 dollars extra a month on our rent plus we pay electric here too so we have to pay whatever it costs to run the AC units. So that put us in a better mood since the landlords put in two AC units for the price of one which is cool and great but it sucks because now our consumers bill is going to go sky rocketing and like most people now days money is tight with us lately. So I am not too happy about having the AC units but it makes my wife happy and that is all that counts right? Though I could manage through the hot weather myself because I love the summer months like you and though when you are married you have to think about your loved ones as well. So again sorry about the long comment but it was just really cool coming across your post here on the weather and I thought it was cool that it was your subject of the week when it was the same topic of our household too. So anyways keep up the great posts and great articles because by the looks of everything you are a great writer with an awesome talent so keep it up and I will keep coming back…
    Thanks Again,

  2. I’ve just submitted my post on the subject and am visiting all the other entries! Enjoyed yours! Short and to the point!

  3. My favorite season is Spring…altho it’s awfully short here…we have exceptionally long summers that last well into Fall and so Winter is my favorite time really…I hate Summer! I know it’s a necessary Evil…but here it is still Spring and we’ve had a solid week of 90’s up to 102 three days of that…and not a drop of rain. So, right now I’m complaining about the lack of that!

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