I love the early morning. It’s a shame that I can’t do this more often. I went outside for a smoke just a little while ago and just sat listening to the birds. Near and far they were all chatting with each other. In the pre-dawn hour it was almost overbearing there were so many birds chatting with each other, but pleasant at the same time. As a matter of fact I think before I get ready for work I am going to sit back outside again for a few…
Speaking of birds, we have a Hummingbird Feeder mounted on our kitchen window just off the deck. As I sat there yesterday afternoon a little hummingbird flew up to feed. It only stayed a few seconds as I moved a bit trying to see if I had my camera with me. Of course not.
The Hummingbird returned a few times yesterday evening. By the time I located my tripod so I could go ahead and focus the camera and sit still it was too late and didn’t come back. I think I will save it for today or tomorrow afternoon and get an earlier shot. Part of the fact that it didn’t come back was the fact that the girls kept running out on the back porch like a pack of wild dogs every few minutes.
Even after having to get up so early yesterday I stayed up pretty late. Of course I should have been to bed early but we decided to sit down and watch National Treasure: The Book of Secrets. It was pretty decent actually. The wife turned off disbelief mode for a couple of hours and got to enjoy it with me. The thing about being married to a science teacher is that it makes it difficult to use your imagination and just enjoy shit that you know CAN’T possibly be true or couldn’t happen. Hell, who gives a shit. It’s a movie…
I probably should have already gone to work but I am going in a few minutes late today. Actually more like an hour and a half. The two manager trainees are just going to have to deal with it for a while. One of them was at my Tallapoosa store yesterday, which is about seventeen miles from my house. She didn’t pull them enough food so the store was calling me at 11PM last night out of stuff. I ended up getting it to them but was not particularly happy about it…

This post is going to serve as my weekend open trackback post for July 25-27th. What’s Open Trackback? Well, that’s where you share your link to other people that might not have been to your site before. Share something witty, your best work, your wost work, or just slutty pictures of actresses. I don’t care (up to a point). Ping or trackback this post and your link will show up here in the body of the post as well as on my main page for everyone to see. If you want to do something like that regularly then check out one of the trackback blogrolls from my blogrolls page or click the link on the graphic above for more information.
News & Opinion Roundup (25 July 2008) CAIR Is Gay Edition
Moral Relativism Is Killing Our Country
The Big Mac Index is The Economist’s light-hearted guide to exchange rates.
The First Lady Free-For-All: Michelle vs. Cindy
Detailed report of Obama’s communist links.
Should U.S. media use the term …
Have you by chance heard the voice of Nightingale?! So, melodious and cool. I love birds although I dont have much of time.
Barack & Michelle Don’t Do Birthday or Christmas Presents
Yes, i love hummingbirds as well.
I love how they hum and sing
Muslim Women suing McDonalds over hijabs
Here we go again, the Islamic battle over dress codes for work. In February, it was the uniforms at a Torilla factory. In England, a hair salon was sued for rejecting the hijab. There have been complaints over exposed arms in the medical practice for s…
Livin’ Life: A Napster Musical
Bruce, Peg-Eye Nate, and The Girl Who Feeds Me all use the Napster music service. Bruce has very strong opinions about copyright law, so he refused to even allow the original Napster in the house, but once they became legitimate,…
Caylee Anthony May Have Been Killed…
Update – July 25th 2008 6:45PM Here is the missing persons poster from the child rescue network for Caylee Anthony I was wondering initially why the police made such a big deal about decomposition in the car and what made…
How very nice of a picture you painted in my mind! I love birds. I used to have so many birds that I could actually catch one of them. Nice to know your doing well. Have a nice day.
Thanks Rosemary. I also love birds but like them out in the trees where they belong myself. We always had a bird or two when I was growing up and they are just too high maintenance for me to keep at home.
Bookmarked your post over at Blog Bookmarker.com!