Feeling Rough…

I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather the last few days. Today has been the worst. My throat is starting to feel swollen, my ears fucking hurt, I’m dizzy and my balance is off. I think I may have an ear infection. Hell, it’s even red on the outside. I darn sure hate being sick. Other than a few sniffles here and there I don’t think I’ve been sick all year. Maybe once.

Unfortunately I don’t have a day off until Thursday so unless it gets really bad the doctor is just going to have to wait until then, Hopefully I will sleep a little better tonight than last night. Every time I would shift and roll onto my ear it would start hurting again, the bastard.

1 throught on "Feeling Rough…"

  1. I think it may be the weather. I have been feeling the same since the weekend, altho I’m not actually getting sick. Just a constant dull ache in my ears, neck, head and throat glands. I figure if it was a virus, we’d be ill…not just feeling yucky.

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