So I went outside to cut the grass earlier today. I did manage to get the back yard cut but that was about it.
Occasionally I will get busy doing other stuff and forget to eat. duh. When I don’t eat I can really tell. I start getting shaky and while I was cutting the grass I though I was going to pass out. Man, I can be a dumbass at times. I have my blood sugar checked twice a year when my cholesterol check is done and it’s always been fine but I do have diabetes in my family so it worries me.
Now that I’ve had a small bite to eat and a cool shower I feel much better but I think it’s nap time for bonzo…
The Wizard Series Part V: Conclusion
Just I case you missed the rest of the series: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV Let me start by highlighting two comments I gleaned from the series. I’m addressing Sam and Tom’s points in my concluding remarks:Sam
PhotoHunt 93: Important
The latest PhotoHunt category from is “Important” which can be interpreted as one sees fit. This week, I am featuring something very personal.
I thought about the topic of the PhotoHunt for this week and many things of importance came …
Mystery: If McCain Is No Conservative – Why Are So Many Reagan Alumni Endorsing Him?
Out of the Mouths of Babes: The MLK rally at a local High School
My daughter attends a high school her locally and today they did a rally for Martin Luther King day.
To her surprise it was not what she expected it to be. Here is her account:
It’s a sad day when any given student feels suppressed…
Fault Tolerance
A taste of the paper I’ve been working on, it’s already due monday so I’ll keep it short for now.
Many analysts would agree that, had it not been for redundancy, the practical unification of neural networks might never have occu…
Edwards The Kingmaker?
This situation is eerily reminiscent of the situation with the GOP in 1952. John Edwards has said he’s in the Democratic primary to win it. He’s also said he’s planning on staying in “through the convention.” And while those two…
It Beginning to Sound a Lot Like Racism
Nevada Shocker: Voter fraud alleged by Democrats- against Democrats
Here is a game you can play at home. Watch an election. If a Democrat is involved, they will at one time allege voter fraud against their opponent. Bonus points when they allege it even when they are winning.
For a long time it h…
Super Delegates: The DNC’s Insurance Policy Against The Stupid Voters
I mentioned in this thread that Hillary Clinton was declared the winner in Nevada, but Barak Obama was awarded the most delegates. I asked how that could be. Noel asks if this will get press coverage. I wanted to share with you the Democratic Party&#…
Conspiracy Theories Meet Reality – Dennis Kucinich
You all know I love a good conspiracy theory, so I’ve compiled some you might be interested in reading. First, Presidential Candidate Dennis Kucinich and his wife Elizabeth were interviewed by Above Top Secret Above Top Secret posts about politics
The New Mom Blog Network On The Block
I recently joined a new social media site called Mom Blog Network. I have to say that out of all the ones I have joined in the past, this one is my favorite. It’s “the world’s first Digg just for mom blogs and parenting related news&#…
At the risk of sounding motherish, get your fanny to the Dr, drink that nasty orange crap and get your sugar checked….especially with the family history. Out of 8 kids, I am the only one among my siblings that does NOT have diabetes and knowing one way or the other will be a great relief to you.Surely ya ain’t wantin’ to wake up dead and have all your readers going WTF ???
You are probably right. I am due for a visit in the next couple of weeks anyway so I may go ahead and get it done.