Our weekly vlog — podcast on illegal immigration and border security. in this weeks edition…
Election 2008: What is Sarah Palin’s position on illegal immigration, amnesty and border security and does it matter?
Thank you! We take a moment to thank you who are working so hard for this nation.
100% Preventable! Americans continue to pay the bloody price for open borders, when will the madness end?
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This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you’d like to join find out how right here.
Technorati Tags: illegal immigration, open borders, deportation, amnesty, vlog, podcast, invasion, insanity, mexico, rape, murders
The Palin Principle
News & Opinion Roundup (8 Sept 08)
Stock Markets Soar After Freddie, Fannie Bailouts
Obama’s Plan For Re-education Camps
Little Known Facts #4
Iran News Round Up
Poll: Convention lifts McCain over O…
Obama’s Very Curiously Whacked Community Organizer
Everybody knows Obama is an empty suit, who has accomplished jack shit in his dizzying rise in government. But now what? Will America turn loose a dangerously rabid duo of Marxist / Nihilists who have avowed to use all their power to further the Soci…
Greta van Susteren: Introducing Sarah Palin…
Greta van Susteren segment doing remote interviews of three Alaskans who know Sarah Palin
SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: “”, url: “” });…
Hey – Just dropping by to say hello. A get tired of hearing the sound of my own voice – wanted to get out into the neighborhood, meet some folks, hear what they’ve got to say.
Who Is Behind The Palin Smears? Looks Like Obama Is Paying For Some Of It
Click image to see the source of just one of the tasteless gems coming from the left.
Speaking of gems, did you hear that Palin referred to Obama as Sambo? Where did that smear come from?
macranger did some investigating and here is what he found:
The Pigeon on Old Cars
Hopefully my friend Denver Braa is reading this (yes, that’s his real name). I finally got my Beast back; a 1971 Dodge Polara to be exact. It’s been in the shop since July 3rd, mere days before I left on
Dissecting Obama’s Iraq Plan – Part I
A multi-part series examining Barak Obama’s Iraq Plan. Part I focuses on predictors of success/failure in recent history. Examining similar withdrawal plans in the Middle East and how those have fared; the surge & the conclusions drawn from …
California: “I now pronounce you Party A and Party B”
It seems strange but in reality it appears that is the eventual destination for marriage in California.
Via Orb:
“Brides” and “grooms” are no longer allowed to marry in the State of California.
That privilege is only extended to…
Obama: Against community organizers before he was for them
Sarah Palin, in her acceptance speech, had a great line:
I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a “community organizer,” except that you have actual responsibilities.
This has lead to a firestorm of complaints from community organizers who d…
Michelle Obama’s Princeton Undergrad Thesis, Alas,
“Michelle notes that she graduated with honors in her major. Again, the problem is that her undergraduate thesis is on the web. You might expect that she wrote about Shakespeare’s sonnets or the political evolution of W.E.B. Du Bois. Well, no. Essent…
News & Opinion Roundup (9 Sept 08)
N Korea’s Kim missing from parade – Word on the street is he had a stroke, I guess his son had better be studying his How to be a Turd Dictator manual pronto.
Hurricane Ike Expected Over Cuba Today En Route to Gulf
Fannie & Freddie: What n…
Juan Cole is a liar
Or, just too lazy to do basic research or just so bigoted that he’s both. …
Welcome to a new blogger
I’d like to welcome a new blogger to our corner of the blogoverse.
Someone might want to stick with the teleprompter
Obama doesn’t seem to have much message discipline. …
What PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome) really shows Part 1
Nothing more, and nothing less.
The democrats have reached a severe point of desperation in the presidential race as they face something they cannot understand, and find to be anathema: A woman who is feminist, successful, and unapolog…