I recently ordered and received the Peak Design Universal Adapter and finally got the chance to try it out today. I actually received it for free as I have ordered a case from them, the Everyday Case for Pixel. Due to various problems the cases are still on back order. No big deal but Peak Design was kind enough to shoot an email out with a coupon to get the adapter free as their way of an apology. Not necessary but a cool way for a company to respond.

This is what the adapter looks like on the back of the dbrand case on my Pixel 6 Pro.
I had to wait a couple of days to try it out because I had to order an Apple Magsafe charger and a 1″ ball adapter for my Ram Mount. I’ll get into the Ram Mounts at some other time but I have used a Ram Mount for the last ten years. They are the most awesome and sturdy mounts you can buy. Depending on what you need it can get a bit pricey but definitely worth it. This is actually my second Ram Mount, my first one was stolen when someone broke into my car three or four years ago.
Here’s the Magsafe charger attached to my Ram Mount.

I’m not sure how well these should work as I have never played with Magsafe anymore, I’m an Android guy and unless you purchase third party products, obviously Apple doesn’t make anything for me. Seems like a great idea. Wireless charging and a magnet. Great idea, not such great results, at least in my case. First speedbump I went over the phone slid off and cracked my screen protector. Oh well, it’s back to the X-Grip. I linked to a version of it above (by the way, those are affiliate links so if you click on them I might get a buck or something). Here’s the picture of my X-Grip below.

I still like the idea of the wireless charger. What I may do is take the magsafe charger out of the adapter I bought and glue or tape it into the X-Grip. Looks like there is just enough room to accommodate my phone and the charger.
My only concern is that while I received the Peak Design Universal Adapter for free (not including the magsafe charger, USB-C to USB adapter and 1″ ball adapter I bought) the Everyday Case I am waiting on was $40. That’s as much as I paid for the dbrand case, which is much better looking. If it falls off the magsafe charger like this adapter did, it will be headed for the trash bin. I lie, it’ll go into one of my desk drawers with cases from my last 15 or so phones until I can find someone that needs it 🙂
I also had to remove my Spigen Ring, which I really like, from the back of the case in order to install the Peak Design adapter. I may be prying that off real soon if I can do it without ripping the skin off the case. Time to break out the heat gun…
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