Wednesday must be meme day or something because there seem to several that I participate in on Wednesdays. When I remember anyway.
This week’s post for ABC Wednesday is brought to you by the letter “N”. What’s “N” for? N is for Nassau because the trip is still fresh in my mind and I am ready to go back to the Caribbean and hang for awhile.
I took this shot on Potter’s Cay. We went down there specifically for the conch salad. It was one long hot walk from downtown. Next time we’re renting scooters or something.

I don’t particularly consider myself a good photographer but occasionally everyone gets lucky. I really like that shot.
This one sort of shows the old and the new. That is a shot of Potter’s Cay and behind it you can see the Atlantis resort on Paradise Island. We never did make it over to Paradise Island. I thought it was senseless to go over to sight see at some damned hotel and go shopping when there was plenty to do right in Nassau with a lot more colorful people as well.

We had a wonderful weekend in the Bahamas and hopefully we can return again soon. I would like to go for longer but as long as it’s with the girls, going to the beach means going local to me. I just don’t see the sense of dragging them out of the country when they won’t even notice the difference.
I got this next one while we were wandering down one of the side streets downtown.

There was some old dude playing the organ for tips right around there as well…Ahh there he is. Took me a minute to find the picture. He had himself a nice sunny spot to play in and was having a pretty good time of it. Looks like he was set up for the long haul though.

This is the Straw Market. You seen one flea market you seen ’em all right?

Maybe, maybe not. They certainly had a ton of stuff at great duty free prices as well. There were probably 100 different “stalls” or “stores” but most of the stuff seemed to be the same. There was a pretty good choice of stuff to buy but after you’ve looked at a couple hundred shirts, hats and purses it’s time to move on to something else…
Like the Beach! This is Cable Beach, right outside of our hotel at 7a.m. or so on the day we were leaving.

If you want to jump in and participate in ABC Wednesday head over to Mrsnesbitt’s Place. This week’s is already up for your perusal over there.