
New Site Theme is Mostly Finished

It’s been another pretty long weekend. I was hoping for a lazy day at work since all of my managers were working but no such luck. I ended up at least working in the one closest to my house so I shot out of there a bit early and picked up my prescriptions before coming home. Other than that it has been a very quiet week. I have spent the great majority of my time writing about that missing little girl Caylee Anthony and updating my posts on her and her freakish family.

I also spent a bit of time redoing the site. There is still quite a bit of work to do but I like the way it is starting to come together. Any opinions? They are certainly most welcome. In the end I will do whatever I want but it’s always nice to get some feedback from people.

That’s about it for tonight. It’s been after midnight the last couple of nights before I hit the sack so I am going to try and get an extra hours sleep. I’m sure the girls I will be working with tomorrow will appreciate it…

Zemanta Pixie

Does This Cold Make My Ass Look Big?

Apparently someone has spent most likely millions to perform a study. The results of this study? The cold virus helps make you obese. Those damn Whopper certainly don’t hurt either.

I’m all for furthering science and our collective knowledge and all that but what exactly were they supposed to be studying here that led them to discover this earth-shaking revelation? My problem when reading articles such as this one that involve science and math is that a couple of sentences in I start hearing this dull buzz in my ears and my eyes roll to the back of my head and I start drooling. Just ask the wife, she’s a science teacher. She sees the look on occasion.

Not that I don’t like science or anything. Give me the fixings of something explosive or disgusting and I will experiment all day. I helped my daughter find a couple of articles the other day on home science projects that she could do. It’s just all of that freaking mumbo-jumbo that kills me.