
Zombie Survival Quiz

One never knows when you might need a bit of help in case of a Zombie outbreak and of course I would prefer to have my friend Eric, he who hates Zombies, by my side.

I came across this Zombie Survival Quiz and knew I had to post a link. I scored a Z+ on the damned thing. Made a good grade on all portions except emotional integrity. Something about having no problem killing a friend that was turned into a Zombie…

Thanks to The Trenchcoat for the link…

Oh, and if the quiz isn’t enough for you, go check out the Zombie Survival Guide…

Zemanta Pixie

iPod Touch Free 2.0 Upgrade

I came across the links over at Live Crunch. Personally I paid for the wife’s upgrade the day it came out but for those of you that want to save $10 here are a couple of links…

(Mirror 4) Download

(Mirror 5) Download

Go check out Live Crunch if you get the time…

There are some pretty cool additions to the software which includes the app store.

Zemanta Pixie