Hilton Head

Yet Another Cookout…

OK folks. I was going to spend my days off this next week (the only week in July that I actually have two days off) either in Hilton Head or Destin but I think we are going to stay in town. I would love to go to the beach but I want to conserve a bit of cash. After spending well over $6k for ten days in Florida last month I need the break anyway. Thursday I think I will take my oldest daughter to Six Flags instead. The Marine and I used to do that every couple of years and we always had a pretty good time.

We are going to host a cookout either Thursday or Friday, whatever is better for folks. I’ll send some emails out but if you don’t get one that doesn’t mean you aren’t invited it just means I don’t have your fucking email address. Shoot me an email or call me if you want to come. The number is 770-313-3231. If’n you think it’s a bad thing to post my number on the Internet, hell it’s already there anyway. Leave me a voice mail because if I don’t have you in my contact list I WON’T answer the fucking thing anyway but I will call you back. Maybe. Let me know if you want to come and I will email directions. Also tell me which day it should be. I know that Friday is probably the best day for folks since it’s a work day, but since it’s summer time I figured Thursday might be acceptable as well. I can drink Thursday since I am off Friday but I have to behave myself Friday. Not that I get drunk and act stupid or anything, I just get drunk and act stupid. Oh yeah, kids are welcome too. Gotta have small moving targets.

Zemanta Pixie

Sunset On Hilton Head…

Parris Island,Beaufort,Hilton Head 479.jpgI really liked this shot. The only bad part about trying to catch a sunset when you are on the east coast is that you are facing the wrong direction to get the full impact of the sun going down. There was a bit of rain moving in and the air was great. The first couple of days that I was out of town was extremely hot in Beaufort but once I got to Bluffton and Hilton Head on Saturday it had started to cool down quite a bit.

It’s really pleasant at home now. I have the windows open to let the breeze in and haven’t needed the air conditioning at all, which is a huge change from what it was here before I left town last week.