Apparently the Aruban government has ordered law enforcement officials to hand over everything to do with the Natalie Holloway investigation to the FBI. Good deal. It has been so long that they may not be able to find anything now, but at least with the help of the FBI there IS a chance.
Natalie Holloway
Sovereign Law
One of the recurring themes that is popping up in the comments on some of my Natalie Holloway posts go along the line of: “Why doesn’t the U.S. just go in there and solve the problem?.” Well, for those folks that don’t understand International Law, the FBI cannot do that, even IF INVITED by the Aruban government. They CAN help and are helping to some extent. It is pretty clear from reading all of the reports, that Aruba is doing everything in it’s power to solve the mystery, and wants it taken care of. U.S. law would have demanded the four suspects already in custody to have been released after 48 hours, they would not be held here for anywhere near the length of time that they have been in Aruba. Without having been charged over that length of time, ends up being a violation of the fourth, fifth, and sixth amendments.